
Today I went to the cinema as a birthday treat to see the film 'Submarine' written and directed by Richard Ayoade. A comedian most famous for his geek shique role in cult comedy The I.T Crowd. I knew I would like it before we'd even set foot in the cinema. And you know why this is? The aesthetic loveliness in the design of the poster.
The connection between type and imagery flows beautifully across the poster, with the photo of the main character seemingly submerged in the cyan on the bottom third of the page. A symmetry in the text at the top of the page with the three primary colours in conjunction, means that the entire poster only uses them three primaries, white, and the absence of colour that is black. This is of course with the exception of the directors name in orange at the bottom, which in normal circumstances may ruin the effectiveness, but in this case it actually works. It keeps the poster balanced and adds enthasis on the writer and director, a very important man in the film making process.

And on top that, I thoroughly enjoyed the film and I recommend it to anyone who's searching for a light hearted feel good comedy. I loved it, and my guess is so will you.

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